The title says it all, I had a guy contact me yesterday paying me to make him a beer themed cigar box guitar.  His favorite beer I found out is Bud Light.

Any ideas on what to do on this, I've searched in the picture section with no luck on ideas on beer themed cigar box guitar.  Only thing I can think off off the top of my head is the sound knobs use beer bottle caps, beside that I'm out of ideas.

Lots of help needed here, thanks.

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  • You need to start with a beer opener for the bridge


    • I want to use one for the string retainer, three holes in the upper part. That way it still can open bottles too. But I can't seem to find any old ones, where to look?
    • Curse you ebay. Now i have a choice of styles. Even bear shaped ones!

    • Don't forget to in include a 'Technicolour Yawn' paint job he he
  • Build a box. Paint it "Bud Light Blue. Add some beer can top sound holes. Take a bottle of Bud Lights and soak it to remove the label. Paste it in the center of the box. Use a couple of bottle caps for the knobs. If you wanna get fancy, remove a few more labels and decoupage them on the fretboard.

    When you're all done, open a real beer, like Heineken and enjoy!

    • And if you use glass Bud Light longnecks, you got slides...
  • I saw miniature beer bottle smoking pipes on e-bay. I got one, carlsberg :\ came instead of the one I ordered but it didn't matter, sticky paper lable over metal shape. It crews in half and reattached to make the pipe. Anywhoo..

    It is small, perhaps 6cm with a 1cm diameter. I plan on using it as a bridge. It's pretty cool. I'm sure you can find a bud one.

    You could also bend two caps together to fit over the tuning peg knobs. :)

    • There also popped tin can sound hole covers somewhere online

  • beer bottle shaped sound hole. tail stop bottle opener, bottle caps glued over the tuner buttons. with an old beer lable on the under side of pickguard. The list could go on.
  •  ehhemm... budlight isn't beer ;)

    lol anyway. Now about making the headstock look like a can. cbgitty has can tops I think, might be able to remove one from existing can.

     I saw a bottle opener attached under a strap button before.

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