
  • Hi, this neck angle question has cropped up a few times and I have addressed it, but I'm unsure how to direct you to those discussions. I'll give a brief overview. First I determin the scale length, and then position the bridge on the box, or something that represents the bridge, at the correct location. Ideal bridge hieghts are 1/2' to 5/8", if using a bolt do same method. The higher bridge contributes to better responce from the strings.

    Now, as in the photo, I plot the back angle needed. I will not go into the nitty gritty, I'm sure you can work that out. Allow for the fingerboard to sit on top of the box. 

    Choose the action hieght you want above the 12 fret and the nut. and angle the neck back until your straight edge sits at that hieght . That will be the best angle.

    I work this out on a drawing first, sort of making a plan.



  • Jerry, have you tried searching the pics section for reference?

  • Yes & no, all instruments will benefit with some degree of back angle, but you can get away without it using cbg style hard tail bridges if the fretboard height is raised 1/4" above the box top or you will get fret buzz? 

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