My virgin build

Got a free CB from a local party store. used some tuning pegs from an old acoustic guitar i didnt play any more, a piece of ash from Home Depot and a set of strings from a local shop.

On my way... made my first cut in the box to accept the neck....

WRONG,,, measured the entire width of the neck, now I have a big hole in my box,,, ( things that sound dirty but arnt..). Glued a scrap of oak I had laying around to the neck, recessed it correctly this time the depth of the top and added a support for my neck.

So now I have the neck fitted correctly, I have a scrap metal arm from a drawer roller mechanism. Cut off a length so I can use it as tailpiece. Cut a hole in the top so it will stick out of the box and now I can add my bridge. I am into reloading so I used a case I filled with kitty litter and loaded a bullet. Recessed the box top to accept the bridge and did the same for the nut.

First cool thing I did right!!

Oh ya, by the way,,,,, after all my mistakes the bridge to nut length is just over 22 in... I know, there is a program that will give you the fret measurements..

Drilled holes for the strings,,,,, Oops, too close together.. drilled 2 more holes further out on the tailpiece,,

Cut some sound holes

Not finished yet.. I will post more in a few days

Now I just need to pick a 3 string tuning.

All I want is sound out of this, Nothing fancy

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  • I think I have a few pics I can upload. Still not all the way done, maybe this weekend.. Thanks for your comments!




  • Love the idea of using spent casings, I have a .50cal round I'm itching to use for a bridge.  Sound is what you need otherwise it's a wall hanging.

  • Screws make great cheap string trees,,, Looks like you need three.

    Just tell folks you're experimenting with a pre-bridge soundhole, something something harmonics and delta tone! 

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