
  •  Visually I think it looks great!

     Don't know if it's on purpose but it looks like a buddha sitting in the middle of it :D

  • Nice job and good build. Not really a Dulcimer though since there's no frets to mark the Diatonic scale that makes up a Dulcimer. Just a 2 string fretless/slide Resonator. Technically speaking of course.

    • thanks Paul , 

      the idea is mounting frets on it , but I'll have to modify things to be abble to !

    • Got ya. What is the scale length?

      I made a Dulcitar out of a plywood Strat body. Made a 28 & 1/8th" neck out of Red Oak.306523501?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

  • Overall, I'd say you did a great job. The layout of the knobs could be a problem depending on how you hold it, but you could move them to the lower part of the box, move the jack to the rear and make a sound hole pattern like you did on the front to blend everything together. And don't worry about mistakes, they are going to happen and that is how you learn what works and what doesn't ;-)

    • thank you Rooster ! 

      everything is gona to be solucioned but the crappy scrashy sound ... I don't know for now

  • I made some bigs newbie mistakes ! I broke a Piezo , fixed stuf in the bad way now impossible to open it with the string on, strings are to fare away from the board.. and the bigest error , the the volume and tone position where I touch with the arm when wanna play ...

    I'll have to modify all this when install the frets

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