My Music Feed Is Gone!

Well they took down my music and never even told me.

They have left no way to contact them to ask about it.

I dont like censorship of any sort.

Ive been sending people here for my music, now they took down my music.

I wont be sending them here anymore.

New format sucks!

Im not happy.

Whattabuncha BS.

I was one of the original memebers here and in the Yahoo chat group before.

CigarBoxNation has betrayed its own.

Maybe I can get Elon to buy it out...

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  • Four months ago, we sent out several notices to every member regarding the upgrade to Cigar Box Nation 3.0.   The website had been glitching so much that it was almost unusable.  In those notices, we an open line of communication stating that if anything was missing from your page during the transfer, please let us know.  We had kept Cigar Box Nation 2.0 open during those months so that we could work with web developers to save content and bring it over here. 

    I'm sorry you didn't see those messages sent to you.  There is no censorship.  Only the attempt to save an old website from dying.

    -Shane Speal

    • Well, Shane, Im embarrased at my outburst...I was emotional as I  am rather attached to the Cig Box world. 

      Ive been referring people to the site to listen to my music and foster interest in the subject. I missed the notification, so I thought it looked different when I dropped in to see that everything had changed.

      My music feed is gone, and all my pretty pictures have been placed on a side bar.


      I also had this happen when Myspace shut down. I had built a page for a few years and it vanished. Music and all.


      Now we have a website for music that has no place for music? Am I right?


      Is there a place for my music in the community?

      Or am I just out of luck?


      Will there be a place for music in the future?

      Perfesser Blue

  • I looked.

    I had to look hard.

    AH! Youre right! There is a link way ddown there in white letters on a pink page, below the bottom margin, covered by the margin panel...How could I have missed that?

  • If you go all the way down to  the bottom of the page you'll see "Report an Issue"

    • AH! Youre right! There is a link way ddown there in white letters on a pink page, below the bottom margin, covered by the margin panel...How could I have missed that?

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