Music to my Ears

The Hindi and Urdu word sitar originally derives from Persian seh + tar, literally meaning "three strings."

I love Sitar music. I experimented with a jiwari bridge on Norwegian Wood.

I've had a happy accident. My 3 string CBG"Easychair"has developed the most delightful habit of having a buzz on the highest string, only. So if I play it soft with fingers , can have it sound pretty"normal", but if I plunk it hard, or take a pick to it, I can get a very nice sitar buzz/drone sound out if it.(only on that high G string. OK I just wanted to say G string)I was going to fix it, but now I am kind of afraid that if I move anything, it will fix it! I don't want to fix it!

Anyone else have "problems" that turn into features?

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  • Yes,

    One of my builds, I fretted the neck, and then made the action low. It was so low in fact that I can only play chords and single notes on it.  It's to low to play any form of slide guitar on it.

    This could be a detriment, but I actually like the fact that the only way to play this is through chords.

    This git is great for the guitarist that's not ready for learning slide guitar, but wants to play CBGs.

    sometimes mistakes can be our best friends.

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