Match sticks

I am doing a bit of research on tramp art for this next build. I'm an artist and tramp art culture along with "up cycling", found art and the craftsmen movement led me to the CBG. I have always liked the match stick and paper glueing done by tramps to help support themselves in the turn of the century through WW2. I plan on incorporating some of these techniques. The art isn't entirely lost but is hard to run down hobos and tramps who have learned these things. If any one of you know some of these old salts, I would love to talk to them. How did they learn and from who. And with that, I found this awesome little 80s broadcast y'all might enjoy.

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  • True, I have done good research on the subject. However, it's almost an anonymous art form.

    America has some cultures most will never know. The hobo culture is as old if not older than the country it's self. It has a history that is not well documented. Every couple of decades it peeks. More recently the 60s, then the 90s had a big increase in train folk and now. Things within the culture don't really die, they just evolve. I would like to make it down to the national hobo convention in Iowa one of these days. And get some inside on some of the art history.
  • I would think some of the best places to look for info on how this stuff was done is a large library. There were a lot of books archiving American and European arts and culture. 

  • never saw that vid. before. pretty interesting stuff.. lot of work and patience to make an instrument from matchsticks and have it hold together and sound like that.

    good luck with your future building with these or similar methods.. keep us posted


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