I'm kind of stoked so I had to post something. I've been designing a fuzz/overdrive pedal specifically for peizo contact mics. I just finished building the 3rd stage of it.  I don't know how it will preform on stage, but the results that I have been getting with it in my basement are high gain, but with significantly less feedback problems that I get with standard circuits/ store bought pedals. I'll be sure to make a video when I'm done with it.

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  • I just posted a video of one of my designs.

  • Looking forward to hearing this! I've got a collection of fuzz and distortion stop boxes. The biggest problem I have is feedback. Unless your at ridiculously low volumes. The other problem is the quality of the actual wave. Because the peizo has a much lower output the over all sound is less distorted.

    • I actually may have two different designs now after doing some figuring last night. I'll try to get up a video of one, or maybe both of them this weekend.

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