
  • That is the kabosy. The  Magadagascar cigar box guitar.  Love the sound. Happy and fresh. Havent figured out the fretting business  though, because the neck is fretted but is half fretted in other places. But the tuning is  in G I think.

  • 306445230?profile=original


    older than  you  may  think.

    • aaah yep saw these some time ago; love these egytptian "cbg" ;)
      i think the box guitar 's building must be in our universal primitive genetics ahah must be the reason we cant help builiding them

    • Don't know Mr Pick, sometimes I think pretty old.306447714?profile=original

  • a article i found here: the concise Garland encyclopedia of world music says this combination of frets may have been developed so this type of kabosy could be played while walking...

  • :)

    I was in a secondhand market with a couple of  tin two stringer i built when a guy stop and ask me "are these instruments come from Madagascar" ? ...i didn't understood at first but when came home my curiosity push me to search online about instrument from Madagascar; and found out about the kabosy, so thats what this guy must have been talking about; and i believed they must be big part in the origin of the cbgs!

  • I believe that The Phrygian Kid has done work with some necks with similar fretting. Interesting how so many things in the construction of our "primal instruments" have been around for many years. The early builds from the plantation slaves in the south are most likely influenced from these. Also shows how the basic concept of our builds has a lot of history behind it.

    •  yes; i  can't help wondering if these instrument are cousin by coincidence or if they actually could have directly inspired the first cbg builds . !

      i remember seeing one here with the same kind of fretting some times ago too but couldn't remember who made it; i will check Phrygian kid's pics

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