
  • Cool idea!

    The only thing better I guess would be a fully articulated metal hand.

    • One Ring to rule them all,
      And in the darkness bind them...
  • Hmm.. Or you can just hit your existing slide on a sander or grinder like we've all already been doing....
  • cool   ..    whats  the  price  ?

    • Went to the website ( ) ; pricing normally USD 30 plus tax, special price USD 20 plus tax. Only medium and small sizes currently available, due to amnUfacturing problems with large and XL sizes. all brass, fleur-de-lis design currently only one available, but a new design coming soon. Or so sayeth their website.
    • The medium "Stretch" version is what I got and it's just right for a CBG. One inch wide fits a 1 1/2" neck like a charm.  Have a look at what he does to make these and you'll figure out, he ain't making any money at $20 a throw.  He'll need chinese child labor to turn a profit.  He's using the lost wax investment casting method and hand finishing all of them at his dining room table with a dremel. That's his mfg. problem.  He only has one mold built, so far and there's only 24 hours in a day.

      I say git while the gittin's good.  He'll either take them off-shore or tank.

  • 305972380?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024Gitty carries my Mojobone Works custom slides.

    • With my slides your finger extends out the front too, plus you get the added wood top to use for a wamer sound. My slides come with a spectraply top or exotic wood top. C.B.Gitty carries a complete line of my Mojobone Works slides and soon will be carrying my custom rod piezo bridges. For the real delta sound a true bone slide is the way to go. I make each one of my slides one at a time all by hand, the final finish is as smooth as glass. To hear some of my customers using their mojobone works slides check on youtube, just type in mojobone works.

    • Those are good looking!!

      With this one, I can play chords and slide.  It's thin walled, so I can still bend my first knuckle.  I'm getting used to the weight and not banging it on the neck, flailing around with it. It's easier to control than the socket was. I can use it on my strat, too. Sockets don't work there.  I have a 5/8 socket ring finger, so the standard socket only covers 2 and a half strings on everything I've built so far.  I had gone back to a full sized slide and barre chords. This has been fun to noodle with. The more slide I play on my CBG, the more I try out on my strat or lester. This is a lot easier on them.

      Not selling or promoting, just thought it was worth sharing.  The inventor doesn't seem to have even thought about cigarbox players.

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