steven smith-- dewy said… just a short story: in december of last year (2009) i was a fairly ill man , feeling down , sick , and honestly didnt care about much of anything----at the end of dec. i was told i was in very bad need of a triple bypass, and i was scared too death, i had recently strated visiting cigarbox nation prior , and they have a chapel group there , i gotta tell ya those people were sooo great and caring , and more than anxious too say a prayer for anyone that felt they needed it (was a real heartfelt experience), strangers as well s people i become aquainted with prayed for me alot , i hadnt yet built any cigerbox guitars , but surgery ent well , and i had met a few folks on theat site , one imparticular (johnny yowell)or L J as we called him was in that bunch of folks that i met in CBN. He pulled me aside , in private conversation , and said "i wanna help ya out if i can",andhe said if you can afford the shipping , i want to send you a cigarbox guitar so i had something too do , while i was recovering . God Bless you LJ---anyways , in the meantime , Lj and another man( Randy B retz)-excellent crafter and crver , invited me too join in on a club scene called the Handmade music clubhouse, the people there were soo full of knowlege and ideas for building , and repairing , a well as just making all round fun musical instruments ...Ive come too meet and know quite a few folks there , and they are all great people , and id like too say thankyou all for all the support and info. as well as the opertunity too learn from and with you all TED CROCKER , youve been a real influence on me with your awesome builds and instruction in guidence, all i can say is thankyou , and that comes from my heart ... we have a gathering of sorts coming up in september (3rd4th5th), and i gotta say , i just can not wait to shake some hands and give a few hugs , too some wonderful people .. GOD BLESS YOU ALL           

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