
  • yea, you shouldn't risk using it on your builds. send it all to me and be done with it. really not worth the risk...really... ;^}

  • Ivory is a touchy subject. You may have to check to see if it's even legal to reuse it.

  • What do you have to lose? If it were me, I'd give it a try.
    I may be coming into some piano parts myself and would like to give it a try.
    How different is bone to ivory?
  • I have never worked with ivory before but do remember my Gramdmas' piano had some chipped keys on it. I am sure it was caused from kids banging on it over the years. This would hint to me that ivory is kind of brittle.Brittle doesn't mean not strong. Like a cast iron engine block. Strong but if you hit it with a hammer it will shatter pieces off of it. One question would pop to mind. How thick is the ivory? If it as thick as a dime or less, I would laminate two pieces of ivory together without the steel.Then mount the ivory, edge up,to a 1/4" wide hardwood base. Since you didn't say what kind of instrument, feel that would strengthen the two pieces enough to work on a 3 or 4 string CBG. Based on the information given, this is my opinion only, but I would not tell you something I would be scared to do, if it were mine. If anybody here knows better, educate Thumper and I.

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