
  • If he does the cooking,I'll do the cleaning


    • Lol Darryl. Made my day.Did you make that?
      Still waiting for a cbg made from a toilet bowl he he. I read somewhere someone claiming the water flush sound is in E flat.
    • There is a "Crapcaster" guitar made from a toilet seat on youtube and a CBG type git made out of a metal bed pan.

    • @ Darryl. Fantastic mate. How the heck do you guys think this stuff up.

      @ Paul. For cryin out loud..a friggin bed pan. Hope it was empty he he he.
    • Jonno said: @ Paul. For cryin out loud..a friggin bed pan. Hope it was empty he he he

      That's where they get the "Mojo" from. LOL

    • @ darryl  ;-)  i  plan   to  make a vacuum out of  this  guitar as we  speak.


    • Don't forget to place the piezo on the bass side,and put the brass side to the soundboard to get that real folky sound

    • lol  ;-)

    • Cuts down on restroom breaks during performing.

    • what's this  new  wave  fandango  mrcrowavy  thingy  anyway ?

      i  guess i  gotta update  my  bachelor pad  ..:-/


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