Ice Bobs Band Name Maker

Its eazy just 3 steps

1st think of your first pets name for me it was "Ginger"

2nd think of the oldest street name you lived at when you were young. we lived on "Roth"

so for me its (Ginger Roth)

3rd post your name here some of these are funny and ask your freinds to

heres some my freind made

Django Baldwin

Bozo St Vincent

Chelsea Waldon

Spuds Cornwell

Spooky Bradren

Jed Pleasent

Pepe El paso

Cuddles Norfork

King Prescott

Tarbaby Canterbury

Gogo Bennett

Casper Trenton

Bobo Ripple

Sparky Starbuck

Ginger Farms

Poopsie Prudence

Fuzzy Market

Wiskers Eastridge

Buddy Seneca

Champ Rosehill

Shyone Mantinel

Dante Windsor

Yip Hialeha

Suki Beaupre

Hilda Montcastle

Patrick Carrick

there are exeptions to the rules

if you lived on a numbered street use the next one you remember

if you live on a long winded street name like Gen. Westmorrland Drive. skip ahead

if your 1st pet was a race horse with a long name haha abreveate

drop any Street 'Road 'Ave ect

use nick names when possable or if it makes it better

you could also use this for passwords

have fun with this and if you need a band name just look here

Ice Bob 

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  • I like it Ice Bob - using the exceptions is a good twist it takes me from Kim Wheelman (porn star) to K Badger (ecowarrior).

    If you like this for a back up name you can use this -

    An old posting I came across on another site, which they in turn had found elsewhere :

    "A fun way to waste 30 seconds...(shamelessly nicked from elsewhere)

    1 - Go to

    The first random Wikipedia article you get is the name of your band.

    2 - Go to Random quotations:

    The last four words of the very last quote of the page is the title of your first album.

    3 - Go to flickr and click on "explore the last seven days"

    Third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.

    Put it all together, that's your first album. "
  • pokey cherry

  • Blackie Bernard

    • thats a real goog one

      • Almost a Beatles tune

  • This reply was deleted.
    • sounds classie

  • Juniper Ashbury?!?!?!

    Um, o-kay...

    • its random haha

  • Velvet Grape Ronly
    • ya good one Ron

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