Hello, Here is my deal I've recently built 2 three string CBGs. While building one is fun and all, I wanted to learn how to play the thing. That was about 4 months ago and so far it's going well. So far I've learned ALOT but I'm having a hell of a time transcribing 6 string tabs to 3 string and now that I have a tiny bit of skill I want to play songs I listen to. Can I get some help with these songs. The way I figure it If I get these songs transcribed then they can be added to the library. Thank you ahead of time for any help. Keep on pickin

1) Pray for Rain by Mofro

2) Short Change Hero by The Heavy

3) Them Shoes by Patrick Sweany

4) Finally Moving by Pretty Lights

5) Swing Life Away by Rise Against

6) Soulshine by Warren Hayes 


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  • Sorry this is taking so long. Life and other things are getting in the mix.







  • parts before and change.









    G.....................................................0.........................0..0  9..

    Gave the rest of this album a listen to. This is the only song I like off of it. 

  • Awesome Jeremiah. Looking forward to hearing you play!

    Yes there is a lot you can do with a three string guitar. Even more when you try different tuning ideas. Try strumming wile using single notes up and down the neck. You'll quickly hear which ones sound good and the ones that don't. Remember the ones that sound good and make up patterns. Then songs! 

  • Jeremiah,

    What notes are the 3 strings on each seperate box tuned to and it'll take a few days but I think I can do this.

    Do you have links to each song with guitar chords?

  • Them Shoes.

    This song is in G! So have a G.D,G tuning and play right along.

    section one




    section two




    section three with vocals




    Repeat  section one.

    Repeat section three and section one two more times

    Then repeat section three and section two.

    This will bring to the short section before the transition. 

    • Yes I added more notes between the bass notes. You can play them single like the recording. Try to get the timing. If you count to four for every bass note hit you'll get the off beat timing. The 16ths make it fuller for just one guitar. that's the only reason I added them.

      I've actually listened to this song a few times. Really like it. Looking forward to getting to the rest of it. This would be a great song for a three piece CBG band. Guitar. bass and drums. 

    • HOLY CRAP !!!!!

      There is A LOT of info to take in. Much of it flies right over my head but I'm learning. Thank you so much, since I made the post I've been trying to get a good grasp on transcribing but I think me not understanding/ haven't learned music theory yet might be why I'm having such a problem . Maybe I'm just hard headed I don't know. But away very much for helping me out ... I was tired of house of the rising sun and the star spangled banner lol.


  • Gave a listen to all six songs.

    Pray for rain.

    Other than the intro the rest of the song is a standard  three cord song ( 1,3,5 or in the song’s progression open, 5th frt 3rd frt 5th frt and open ) played in D below the standard E tuning of a guitar. As the song goes on the picking pattern will have to be faked on a three string.

    short change hero. 

    Other than the intro is a three cord song. Played on 7th fret, 5th frt and open. 

    Them Shoes.

    Yes this song can be played on a three string. Even the moving bass line. Love me some low desert punk. I’m actually going to learn this song for myself. 

    Pretty lights. I have NO idea how your going to get this song to sound right. But the guitar part is easy enough. 

    Swing life away. The intro can be played on a three string. Not sure I can get all the odd cords to work. But close will have to do if I can’t.

    Soulshine. had to give this guy a second look. He’s almost a twin of a bass player I played with years ago. No way to make this song sound full on a three string. Can be played. Standard cord progression.

    I do't like tab. I've never been able to learn a song from tab. Adding the fact that they can't transcribe a song correctly in it makes it useless. You have to know the song to fined the mistakes in the tab and correct them yourself. Legal BS. So i listen to songs, find the notes and transcribe. Lots of time involved. Yes I have relative pitch ( step below perfect pitch ) but it still takes time. So I'm going to learn the songs I like. Them Shoes but not the solo. Just the rhythm parts. The guitar part to Finally Moving cuz I dig funk guitar. And Swing life away. Something about the song I like. So I'll start with the never changing guitar part from Finally Moving,

    Finally Moving can be played on any three cords. As long as they are a hole step apart. Meaning you have to move two frets between each cord, So it could be the 9th 7th and 5th. Or the 4th 2nd and open. I'll tab it at the 9th. this "\" means to slide down.

    G..9...9.12.9\7..5..7   and repete 



    The 9.12.9\7 is a single down strong strum. Hammer on and slide. What's really cool about this chord progression is just how much you can add to it. In fact it's so open and you can add so much to it it's inspired me to play with a new song idea. Going to have fun with that for a wile.

    • Boy, I don't know what i was listening to. But I really screwed that one up. What's really bad is it's not even close. I'll have to rework Finally Moving. Have no clue as to where my head was stuck when I thought that was right..... : (

    • the correct, head out of my... and here we go. This will be in tune if you have your guitar tuned to an open G.



      G..6.....11...........9..2..4..5..6....11..........9 and repeat.

      There is some fast finger moving here. Some secrets to success.

      When playing the to note chord on 9th and 11th frets use your first and third fingers. When dong that really quick three note run start with your second finger on the 9th frt. Pull off to the 8th. Then pluck the 9th on the second string.

      When dong the chord run up from the 2nd fret to the 6th bar it with your first finger. That way you will be in position to play the next cord. 

      A mod you can do that might also help make it easier. Instead of going all the way down to the second fret you can stay on the chord at the 7th and 9th fret as typed in below 




      Again I am really sorry about screwing that up. 

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