Hi, I  have just built a tasty little hubcap 4 string with a three-way switch, however it only works when the switch is in the first position and not the other two?????? very confusing.....also the, when it is in the first position the hubcap seems to be live? any ideas, anyone?

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  • Establish which pickup is working by tapping on the coil with a key or something..
    The circuit should work fine if you got it exactly right. My best guess is you got one of the volume controls backward. If you can open it up (obviously you're going to have to) and get an actual pic of the circuit (that's what I meant before) I can probably help further. Good luck :)
    • yes.....and I got metal pots touching metal hubcap......doh!......am learning......thanx for ya help

  • my 2 cents rob,if you are wired as teds drawing,at pos 1 and 3 you should be getting piezo or mag or vice versa individually,if you have a meter check that the switch is functioning correctly,as to the hubcap being alive,i feel that may just piezo response as it is always active a.t.m it seems,i,m no elec wizz,but hope it helps

    • excerllent thanx

  • Take a photo of the circuit if you please otherwise you'll only get a hundred well meaning guesses
    • I have attached a file, cos Im computer illiterate etc, but it is wired as the diagram maps out but I do have two piezos in parallel......thanx for the well meaning response

      three way switch.png

  • need a bit more info rob,like what are the 3 pos,s meant to do,ie ,mag,piezo or both ,also when you say cap is 'alive 'do you mean,amplified or electrified?

    • hi, the cap is amplified.....and I have a mag pup with volume and tone and then a peizo with volume only.....they all work when the three way is pushed to the "top position"then nothing is the other two?

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