In an industry dominated by computer-programmed robotics and hidden factories in China, it's refreshing to watch this short video of the Hofner factory making Beatle basses.  Note the lack of CNC machines.  Also check out the guy cutting fret slots completely by hand, eyeballing them without the use of a mitre box or anything. This is serious skill!

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  • Cool video, makes me want one! Only surprise was the laminated sides.
  • I will now look at my 74 Hofner differently and with more respect and treasure it more.

  • Throughly enjoyed watching the construction of Hofner basses. Would love it if you would post more videos like this.
    • Thanks for the feedback.  I got more like this.  I'll start featuring them

  • I want that impression template the fret guy used to knife all the fret positions and markers at once.

  • 16 mins! I'm not gonna watch a 16 min video. Could of watched another 16.

  • I want that guy to do my fretboards!....Holy cow, he went to town on the dots and frets.

  • Yes cnc bad, handmade good! One of the reasons I don't buy Gibson guitars anymore! I've got a late 60's Hofner & early 70's copy & they have a unique tone that is nothing short of stellar!!!!! thanx 4 this Shane.
  • Great to see Skilled workers at work making a good product.

    Dang it Shane! Now I want one.

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