Hi. I'm Blues Frog and I can't stop thinking about, (and building) cigar box guitars.

I first discovered Cigar Box Guitars in Dec ember when I was Christmas shopping. Since then I've built 5 and bought two.

Recently I bought materials to build 4 more, but am working on 6 more. I need HELP, and there's more in the making. I can't make it through the night without thinking of a new design.

I recently started some new necks. I started at 4, and has grown to 5, but there's a sixth one that I have in my head.

Somebody help me. I've tried drinking, drugs, and other addictions, but nothing can fulllfill the need to build MORE cigar box guitars. What can a poor musician do?

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  • All you can really do is build another one to ease the pain, but be warned, We will have an intervention if you start building "Hello Kitty" CBG's !!

    • Unless of course you are building for the Japanese market. Hello Kitty is very big over there.

  • Just keep building cheap guitars. It's only organic, keeps. You out of bars except for open stage, think of it as vitamins instead of drugs.
  • Build build build :D I feel your pain! I just discovered them a few weeks ago and everything looks like hmm that would be a cool design, ooh look at that tin! I just got 10 cigar boxes (baby cigar box guitars) in the mail today, One is for a neck currently being made then I have a request to make 3 more for people. I can't stop watching videos on them and playing mine every chance i get! I just downloaded the cigar box  blues album from here to enjoy while at work too. I've messed with regular 6 string guitars a little bit, swapping necks and upgrading electronics but that's not nearly as satisfying as building cigar box ones! I intend to build a bass, and try out some other instruments like a cookie tin banjo, maybe a cigar box violin, always been interested in learning violin ;) I guess it's a healthy addiction! You know what's even worse for me, one day a week I work a transfer station as an attendant. Do realize all the useful stuff people just throw out?! We have alot of free time there as well, guess what I'll be doing hahahahahaha!

    • A transfer station? Oh what a veritable plethora of parts! That would be too tempting. I would spend all my time dumpster diving!

      Build on!

    • HAHAHAHA! Did a bit of that today and got some nice maple for necks. Looks like 12 neck if all goes well, as well as some for ukelele necks, which I've never payed. Guess that'll change. Last week I got oak strips roughly the width of necks, the perfect thickness for fretboards. Also got some nice tins today. I've never played banjo but grabbed a cookie tin to make one and a large tin for a game Deal or no Deal, I think will make a very nice bass. When not helping people I was working on build number 2, when I got home I just couldn't stop!

  • A builder never stops, just takes vacations.

    • or must await the passing of winter....  sigh...

    • True! There's just so much woodworking I can do in my house before I make a huge mess. Fortunately I live alone so if it gets too bad(long cold winter), the mess WILL happen.

      Gonna get some 1 x 1 red oak or maple or something and I can at least build canjos without a lot of mess.

    • 306529591?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024await the passing of winter...

      Ah, we're tough; we'll make it thru'! :D 

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