I'm trying to make an accoustic guitar out of an old metal gas can. It has a dog bowl resonator so I can't do a straight through neck. I have started building a triangle shape spine that dips under the dog bowl and out where a tail piece would go but I don't know how this will affect the resonance and tone. Has anyone made something similar? Should I be minimizing the contact of wood with the metal body? Should it touch at all? 


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  • If the guitar has a bolt on neck, the neck pocket needs to be as tight as possible for good vibration and sound transfer.

    Quality of materials used, one board of a certain species can be very resonant while another board of same type can be very dull.

    • Thanks Paul that is also helpful, the neck is bolted on, but connected by wooden bracing to the bridge. Based on these responses and my gut I'm hoping that if it's tight it's good.

      Here's so progress pics for your troubles, there's an extra brace in that join now and considering a threaded bar through the body parallel with the neck but under the resonator. Any tips don't hesitate.



      • Canjo's work great for reso tone even without a cone.
        That one looks great and I'm sure your going to be happy with it.

  • Hi, quick answer that may help you make a decision.

    In a Resonator guitar, the cone is where the sound comes from so needs to be free to vibrate.

    Unlike an acoustic guitar, the top and back play only a small part in the sound generating area.

    The top and back are coupled together either by posts, as I do, or a sound well under the cone, imagine a tambourine jammed between top and back.

    Like I said very basic info but you may be able to work out a plan based on those guidelines.

    Good luck Taff


    • Thank you Taff! That is helpful thanks, reassuring as I think my original design should work but I've never made one before. 

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