Hey to everyone!

I am new to site and I have finally decided to join in on the discussions on here, looking forward to the great information and advice!

I am in the final stages to creating my first wooden cigar box guitar. I would greatly appreciate and ideas on any cool headstock designs for my first cigar box guitar build. My first that I am currently working on is a 3 string build. 

Thanks! Any advice is greatly appreciated! I have posted some pictures on my profile of my build so far!

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  • 305907473?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024Or tuners inside the box

  • Basically you have a choice between:

    - a slotted stock (one slot, either a "frame" or a "violin snail")

    - a "holed" stock (3 holes, one for each tuner)

    - an "acoustic" stock (tuners thru the headstock)

    - "headless" - no headstock per se, tuners on the "box side"

    Check the "Pictures" section. There are many examples for each of the above solutions.

  • Hang a Mojo bag from the end!

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