HASIL ADkins - Amazing radio show- free download

this is an interview and in-studio performance with Hasil Adkins....king of psycho-billy or whatever the hell you want to label his tunes... the great thing about this performance is the interviews that are mixed in...HILARIOUS. and a great mix of other tunes too...the DJ is awesome. A great "shop" album..while yer working here it is....let me know how you like it.. http://www.divshare.com/download/8483266-2b9 a zip file, 62mb.

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  • Thanks a "HUNCH" for this!!!
  • Hasil Adkins was a madman. You gotta love the guy ... sure he's a bit scary ... but isn't that what rock and roll was really about? Nobody else was singing about cutting off their date's head and hanging it on his wall back in the early days of rock ... except this dude.

    Wish Unknown Hinson would tour more. Quite country'ish but I imagine would be a fun show ... if you could get the pictures of the Squidbillies outta your head when he talks.
  • Since we are talking psycho-billy, there's one in my area called Unknown Hinson. Dunno if he has any online downloads gratis, but he's really good. Actually a very talented studio artist who's alter-ego (Danny Baker) has toured with Billybob Thornton and HankIII. Currently doing voices for Squidbillys.
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