
  • Has anyone played that new Rocksmith game? If it works, it would be a great alternative to those endless and mindless hours kids spend playing guitar hero. (Or more appropriately named - guitar zero LOL)   

    •    Guitar Hero was discontinued last February, due to rapidly declining sales

         dating as far back as 2009.  

      • good riddance...

        • 305779663?profile=original

          • Well, with a bit reinforcement and a proper fretboard it could be converted into a real guitar ;-)

  • these guys are friends of mine.

    ps Its a joke, taking the piss out of the paper guitar products and the xbox games etc

  • An interesting product, but in my opinion totally unnecessary. Now if the fingerboard was a computer screen and the notes and chord positions appeared in time with the music, you would have a futuristic learning instrument. LOL Stickers on the fingerboard is nothing new. Considering the fretboard does not change, if you play in standard tuning, memorizing chords and scales makes a lot of sense. Many times, beginners in their rush to play their favorite songs just like their favorite artists, neglect the learning steps that makes actual understanding possible. I can't express enough, learning something correctly the first time saves a lot of time and prevents relearning from incorrect technique. Spend the money working with a good teacher. Enjoy.  

    • That's why I posted the Axis' version (good for laughs). BTW: I memorized my share of chords back then in '80s ;-)

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