I was thinking,
Can I make electric guitar body from mahogany and sides spruce etc.
I have class b guitar mahogany. Not wide enough for whole body. I bought it two years ago for guitar neck lamination. Cigar boxes are too hard and expensive to get from estonia.

Spruce sides would give only the body shape and more wood if necessary.

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  • You can make a guitar from any kind of wood. Some will resonate the high tones better, some the low but in the end whether it sounds good, bad, or just different is in the ear of the beholder. With an electric, the electronics will affect the sound more than the wood anyway.

  • 8B33A0A1-2083-48C9-9E34-B7606AB14296-1023-00000129903EC3EA.jpg

    Cedar scraps lammed with dark veneer (walnut or Blackwood, I forgot which)..
    Around a typical thru neck like what might alternatively have been stuck thru a box or tin...

    This is a 'ghostie' neck.. I glued it up a couple years ago, prolly had been intended for a Cbg or similar..
    • Yeah, like what the Kid is showing is what I meant by splitting the mahog and laminating in some spruce, or the other way round. Nice work, Kid.
  • DJ,

    Laminate them, side by side by side. Split the mahogany down the middle, laminate enough spruce in the middle to make up the width or length you lack. Then you'll have two darker side wings of mahogany, with a center spruce block. Alternatively, make two guitars, both with mahogany center blocks, and spruce "wings." Those should actually have better sustain than the one with a center spruce block.
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