Shane shows the swagger and groove of the blues picking hand (and that constant right foot stomp) that is the foundation for the GROOVE. The high hat cymbal represents your tapping toe as you play.

Official Shane Speal:
Shane Speal cigar box guitars:

Fantastic Three String Solidbody Guitar Kit

The entire kit is assembled with a screwdriver!  Rock out some wild, screaming 3-string music on this fully fretted solidbody guitar.  Paint 'em up, put 'em together and have some fun.
A collaboration between C. B. Gitty and the Carver Banjo Company, this easy-to-assemble kit is the perfect gift for any level of instrument lover and made specifically for novice builders.   

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  • Would a first and third beat electronic drum sound work for those of us who don't have the ability to move the legs, Shane? Would you recommend anything other than the electronic drum beat in that situation? Another great video. Appreciative of your sound in putting these out. Thanks very much.

    • Hey there SBD & OGB-

      Complete novice here - just throwing out ideas. I bet there's a way to rig up a tamborine or mini drum to the body of your guitar that, on the downstroke, extend a little and hit it with your knuckles. If it's a drum, you could amp it for a bigger sound. 

      Just did some googling and found an example that is decidedly low-tech and sound pretty cool:

    • Thanks Scott. That's actually a really good idea so I'll look in to that. I was thinking of a cymbal on the body and elbow too. Just like the old one-man band players used to play. I'm sure I'll find a way. If not then there's always drum apps too. Just have to reach the groove by a different route but I'll get there. No doubt. :0) Thanks again Scott.

    • Good luck! Let us know what you come up with. I'll do the same as I just can't seem to get the timing down myself. I've tried using a kick pedal on a old suitcase (got the idea from a friend) and sound ridiculous. :)

    • Will let you know when I come up with something. Don't hold your breath though because I've been playing and puzzling over the accompaniment for three years now haha. I'll make a video of it if I manage to crack it. Thanks again for the encouragement and ideas Scott :0)

    • A electronic programable drum machine should work. Some Keyboards(Lower end Yamaha/Casio) have drum beats and the ability to program your own drum beat. Could add a bass line or any other backing track too.

    • Thanks Paul. I had a go with a phone app drum sounds today. Works pretty well. I've just updated my whole sound set up so getting used to it still but so far I've got several drum apps, a fair few backing tracks apps and a Bluetooth amp adapter that lets me wirelessly transmit the sounds from my tablet to the amp. 

      I say "amp" but I've just updated that to a battery operated 100 watt boom box with a guitar and microphone input. Going to get a different effects pedal in the mix soon because the boom box has zero effects but really enjoying it so far. Bassy!

    • :-}

    • Watching that youtube video, my first thought was "how much strumming could I do before shredding my hand to ribbons?" I like the idea, though. Maybe a paint can lid or a candy tin lid...anything without a sharp edge. I know I'm not near slick enough to play adjacent to a sharp edge. Shoot, I can't string a git without getting poked!

    • No circular saw blades then huh, Grandpa? Haha

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