Ok, I got my Tax ID, and am looking at small (very small) locations to open a music store in PA.  I may start out in an interior rented space at a flea-market or something like it.  Until I master building my own, I'm wondering if any of you have good pricing on orders of 6-7 basic 3 stringers, box style diddley bows, cigar box amps, and any other interesting oddities!  I could consign or just buy them outright, but remember  when pricing they'll need to being re-sold.  Let me know if you're interested, I need simple acoustic entry models as well!  Message me or let me know here.


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  • Are you interested in cigar box amps? I'll have some pretty radical units built pretty soon, a good friend of mine and I are going to have some gritty amp. Ombos ready by the end of summer...
  • It's been a while since anyone saw a update, so how is the shop coming?  Hope your doing well.

  • Best too you!

  • wish i was brave enough for this! good luck and power to ya man!

    • Not quitting that day job yet... just weekends and fairs etc... Cheap spot in a flea market, and pray!  I've been a DJ for 20 plus years... looking towards the future a bit more now that I'm too old to know who Ja this or that is!


    • Update: Got involved with a wholesaler.  Bought 6 guitars and assorted other items like harmonicas, recorders, and tamborines.  So far I've spoken with some folks here about selling their stuff (CBGs etc...) Or helping my learning curve to make my own.... I'd like 10-15 assorted CBGs in the store with the usual instruments.  Also have 2 or 3 cigar box amps for display/sale.  It's coming together pretty fast, much faster then I thought!  If you've got some cheap inventory of eclectic stuff, let me know!

  • I'll be your first consigner, Rick!  Morningstar Marketplace?

    • Hell yeah!  Rumor has it you're sitting on several dozen really nifty cbg's, and I need to find a weekend afternoon that you're free to get together.  Yes, Morning Star... If I keep prices below 125.00 I think we can move product.  Also planning on blues and blue grass festivals, biker events, and the like.  Call me.

  • I heard all the same stuff when I opened my business 6 years ago....

    Nothing is impossible with the correct proportion of passion, hard work and determination. Oh, and a lot of fiscal discipline.

    Good luck and much success to you.
  • I say listen to others less...and go with gut feeling, other peoples advice will almost always hold you back.....just try it, and expect BIG margins, you never know, it might work for you!

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