Has anyone ever combined a Gitty amp kit with their EQ-7545R pre-amp?

I just did a mock up of using both together and I love the way it sounds but I haven't figured out how to combine them into one unit.

The first problem I see is the pre-amp unit is turned on and off by inserting the output plug and of course the output of the pre-amp would be the input to the amp. That works fine when they are two separate units and I connect them with a standard 1/4" cable but presents a problem when they would be attached internally.

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  • I finally got things wired and working and I love the way it sounds!

    Basically, like Timothy Hunter suggested, I cut off the output jack from the pre-amp. I wired the input wires from the amp to the output wires of the pre-amp. I soldered the black from the amp to the braid of the pre-amp, then red to red. I then wired a switch from the braid to the white of the pre-amp. That switch turns the pre-amp on and off then the volume pot on the amp has a built in switch on the volume knob.

    I tried feeding the amp power from the pre amp battery but when I did, everything stopped working. I checked all my connections to make sure I didn't cross some wires but I couldn't find anything wrong and when I re-separated the power supplies, everything went back to working properly.

    So I have two separate switches and two separate batteries but I'm very happy with the unit!

    • and thats all that matters... lol

      there is a way to switch both from 1 switch , use a double pole double throw switch. its basically two independent switches in one body . 

      a good thing with using 2 9V batteries is that the amp will last longer...and no ground loop between preamp and power amp.

  • looking at pictures on the internet as CBGitty's pic is small...

    it looks like the battery power comes out the bottom of the battery compartment at that plug.you could use that to power the amp and add a switch in the positive line to turn the whole thing on and off. 

    didnt Shane do a video doing what you are? 

    • Shane did a video about how to make the pre-amp a stand alone unit. You plug your guitar into the input of the pre-amp then plug another cord into the output of the unit and into the amp. I did that mock up and really like the combination so I want to combine them.

      I'm working on that now. The easy way to combine the two (I think) is to solder the wires that would connect to the input jack of the amp to the wires of the output of the pre-amp. I'll install that jack and just insert a dummy plug to turn the pre-amp on, use the amp switch to turn on the amp and see what happens.

      I'm sure I can figure out a more sophisticated way to wire it but I just want to get it working and play with it for now.

    • if you dont mind an extra switch to turn both the preamp/amp on together it should be relatively easy. give me a few moments and i will see if i can do a drawing for you.

      looking online at pictures some seem to have the positive and negative wires from the battery compartment soldered on others show a 2 pin plug. which version is the one from Gitty??

    • 306624430?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

      excuse my very poor MS Paint sjkills... this way you can power both the preamp and the main amp of the 9V battery and not worry about leaving the guitar chord in the amp. the switch will power both when switched on.

    • First off, I wish I had that kind of MS Pain skills, that's a nice drawing! So I like the look of that drawing. Have you actually done this?

      I tried to feed the amp from the battery in the Pre-amp unit and when I did, the whole unit quit working.

      Looking at that diagram, I can't see any reason it shouldn't work however I did something similar and I couldn't make it work.

  • Seems like you could put an on/off switch between the output plug and the pre-amp.

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