Highwoodguitars set up in Freeland Michigan again this year and it was alot of fun. The event was on  June 14th from 12 noon to 11pm. The weather was great and there were alot of people that came thru the tent and tried out the guitars. It was so much fun to sit back and watch so many differnt people come thru and play and tell them about cigar box guitars. The only thing I could have done differnt is to have taken some video and more photos but was difficult to do with the steady stream of people all day. Freeland Palooza raffeld off a Highwoodguitar and made a few bucks for a good cause and to hear it being played on stage was awesome. :>)https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.702481246492295.1073742076.234739436599814&type=1

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