Well... here it is... my very first guitar build. This is an electric/acoustic fretless slider. I cut/engraved the box and fingerboard with my laser cutter.

I made a few mistakes along the way but gained an excellent guitar building education.

As always... critiques are welcome. I'm off to the next one!!!




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  • That's AWESOME!!!  Well done!  I love the back panel that is removable.  I just noticed that my 1/4" outlet is a little loose, and I really don't have a way to tighten it.  I dropped a little thin CA glue on it though and hopefully it will hold it.  Anyways, I think I might try a back panel on my next build like that to access the electronics.  Oh, what is holding the strings inside the grommets?  I have tons of 1/4" grommets from my knife sheath and holster kydex business and would like to use those but I would need to back up the strings with something as the grommets are too big, just like it seems yours are.

    • Hi Christopher... Thank you very much for the kind words. Yes... the back panel can be easily removed and I can access all electronics and change strings. There are string ferrules underneath the front of the guitar as well as on the front. I'm sure grommets will work just as well. The removable panel works very well. See Pic:


    • Stick a pair of needle nose pliers into the jack and press firmly(holding the jack in place) and tighten the nut with a wrench.

  • Steve,while the CNC and prewired electronics that are available off the internet would just about get it to the point where a fellow could quit his day job or be able to "crank them out" to the point to where the unit cost would make a good sideline. I am going to have to stick to doing it the hard way. I know zero, as in "0",about CNC pyrography, so I had to look. Smaller desktop units are available,but I wouldn't know how many megawatts it would take just to burn or be able to make through cuts on 1/4" plywood.I saw some desktop units that were below 1000 bucks. I made the mistake of turning a hobby into a job onetime and it became a job and it was years before I could ever do it for fun again. Just kind of thinking out loud,maybe too loud. No offense meant.

  • Dang, that is your first one?!?! I'm quitting! That looks fantastic and I'm sure it sounds great too! Nice one!

    • Thank you so much for your kind comments.  Don't quit!!! Perhaps I just got lucky on my first one. I think it sounds good but I don't really have much to compare it to.  I plug into a Fender Frontman amp and hack away.

  • Looks great, far better than my first CBG (finishing up #6 now). Bet ya got a zillion ideas spinning in your head now :)

    • Thanks Clark... You are so right!!! I have a zillion ideas spinning in my head.  So many ideas... so little time... and so little cash!!!

  • Look's good, I like the headstock shape too.

    • Thanks Paul... I tried to shape the headstock so that it somewhat matched the font style used in the text on the guitar.

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