
  • See my blog post for my first two CBG's.  Both are birch veneer about 1/2 inch thick; one has a fret board which helps stiffness.  Both are new and have not stood the test of time + string tension.

    • Thanks I will check it out

  • Personally, I will never build a neck from poplar again, even with a laminated fretboard.  Remember you will need to cut a recess (assuming a neck-through design) where the neck passes under the cigar box lid to allow the lid to vibrate, and that weakens the neck.  Also, if you want to cut vertical channels in the neck where it enters the box for a sharper joint that will weaken it too.  Stick (no pun intended) to woods like oak, cherry or maple, or be sure to reinforce the cut-out area with another piece of 1 x 2 cut to fit inside the box.  But by all means, remember - There Are No Rules in the CBN world!  Experiment and do what works for you!

    • Thanks for the awesome advice! I have access to a ton of hardwoods and exotics so I will stick to those. I appreciate the great advice.

  • Poplar is great as long as you laminate a 1/4" fingerboard on it.  I like it because of the cool grains ranging from pitch black streaks to green hues.

  • I had the same concerns regarding the truss rod, what I did originally is split the neck wood then I reverse the grain, before I glue it up, I also cut three strips of wood the same thickness, then glue up the split neck of mahogany, the strip of purple heart, a strip of mahogany, the second strip of purple heart, and then the other split of mahogany, the woods are an example.

    I have started using a carbon fiber rod on the Cigarbox basses. On the picture below I just used one strip of purpleheart
    • Thats pretty awesome I always put a power lam in my bows the same principle this is something I may do for the looks and the strength cool bass neck by the way

    • Thanks, I can't draw a bow anymore 'cause I screwed up my arm but I plan on putting an archery woods walk in the lower 10 for a bushcrafter Rendezvous in October.

      I got a little over ten acres of this kind of flora on the farm.




    • That is amazing man sounds awesome. I have had some injuries in the military that are taking their toll on me so I am shutting down my archery business and just going to build and play some instruments Here is a few of my bows305796511?profile=original305797661?profile=original305798955?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

    • Beautiful work brother. My wife uses an Osage Orange bow built by our coppersmith Larry Shaw, he makes recurves and long bows, recently he has been laminating bamboo to the bows face, very snappy "o)

      Here she is shooting the turkey target, she killed it.



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