
  • I am getting ready to cut in the frets.

    I am gunna stain my neck, do I stain it before I cut in the frets of after????


  • 306111155?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024Gunna attach the Frets tomorrow, she is looking good

  • I am stumped..

    I got a couple of questions..

    306103731?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024If I overlap the Fret Board, like I have it in this pic. How do I glue in the Neck in place? How do I get access????

    306105052?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024Is my nut going to be to high???? Will the strings be at to much of an angle????

    Thanks in advance

    • If you are not going to fret then the nut is not too high.

    • I am going to fret it

    • put your frets in first. then adjust the depth of the nut groove or find a thinner nut. But dont worry about the action height until after the frets are in.


    • Thanks, great advise

    • If I'm using a cigar box I glue the lid to the neck but don't seal the box shut. If I build my box (no hinges) I glue the lid and box to the neck (a neck sandwich)  and use screws with finishing washers to attach the back. I usually run the neck right thru the box so it extends about 2". Gives me more options for fastening, etc.

      I just noticed your profile look a little too relaxed.....even for a left coaster!!!!!

      Does that have anything to do with those wine crates you mentioned???!!??    :-)

    • Thanks for your reply....OK that gives me some ideas, if not for  this one, but for the next build I have in mind.

      That picture was takin at a friends place on the Colombia River a month ago, it was a great trip and yes very relaxing. And nope, not a Left Coaster, just got stuck out here after 20 yrs in the service, Home is actually NFLD

    • Ha - That's close to were my dad met my mom back in 1944, also in the service.

      How much of the neck goes into the box??

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