Last year I acquired a squire champ practice amp for a bargain price of £20 ($30). I had been wondering whether there is much difference in sound quality between this and an actual Fender brand practice Amp? A friend has made an offer on the Squire that offers me a bit of profit, and was wondering if it might be worth the upgrade as I have a little extra. BTW: I did come clean about the price I paid for the amp before my friend made the offer (Honest)! All the best from Bill. :D

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  • Guess the best way to tell is to play threw one of the Fender amps. You can also check for vids on Youtube. Type in the name of the amp "Fender ???" and see if there's vids on it.

    • Some may disagree and that's ok, but my experience with amps is that all of the "budget" amps from any of the manufacturers are all fairly similar in quality. Tha being spotty and unpredictable much like mass market gits. Some are far better than they have any right to be and others sound like they have a tiny sawmill inside. I have heard crates I love and fenders and peaveys I detest. Hard to beat the clean sound on a genz Benz of a friend of mines yet others I hear are shockingly bad. The likely difference between the squire amp and a fender of the same wattage is where it was assembled and what guitar pack it was in. All that just says if you are looking fora small amp, play it don't count on the name on the grille it means much of nothing these days of licensed naming and non enforcement of trademark laws.
      • That's food for thought Keith, thans very much for your reply.
        • To answer my own question, yes the Champion 40 is much better. It's more adaptable and versatile (the different "voice" options are great, and it has some interesting effects too). The speaker is 12 inches across and sounds so much fuller than the little 6 inch speaker on the Squier.
          Got to love EBay, I got one cheap with a free amp cover and the foot pedal selector accessory in the deal too.
          All the best from Bill. :D
    • Yeah, suppose I could check out the local music shops and see if they will let me loose with my CBG banjo . . .
      All the best from Bill. :D
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