I'm just minutes away from stringing up a new uke, it just needs a tailpiece.

The only thing keeping me from finishing it is that it's nearly 1am and if I turn on my table saw and wake up my wife she'll skin me alive.

I guess that means it's bedtime for me too. lol

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  • You went and did it didn't you, woke her up, with all that noise, and for payback, she waited till you went to sleep, put a mask on you, shaved some of your head, dyed your hair and spiked it like .....just messin with ya, my wife would have had me sleeping in the car LOL, with all the hours my wife puts in, disturb her sleep, unless it's for hanky panky, don't even think about it.

    Post some pics when you finish it, I can't do squat at the time being, so living vicariously in what everyone else builds.

    • She does cut my hair actually but usually only upon request. lol

  • .....so was your wife happy when you got up at 5am and turned on the table saw to finish?

    • Lol Dave, I woke up at the crack of noon, I'm off work this week. : )

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