Hi everyone, as I explained here:


I am on the search for a 3 string guitar to play with my children, who have a Loog guitar. While I will assemble a CBG at some point, for the fun and thrill, I would like to have one to play right now. I received a lot of suggestions on that thread, and I know there are great CBGs for sale pre assembled and that I could also get a ukulele, but I contacted a luthier and will probably have one made to order. So my question is, which examples are there of non-cigar-box three string guitars? I only found the loogs, plus the strumstricks (though with diatonic scale), the small merlin (technically not three string, I know)... 

Any others you could care to suggest for inspiration? This would be baritone-uke-sized, is there something special about the classic guitar shape? I would like something more boxy/pineapple-shaped, but I haven't found any pineapple sized baritones, I guess not so comfortable to hold while seating. Perhaps a lute should serve as inspiration? Suggestions welcome!

Thanks again

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  • Big & little Balalaika.



  • There's always the Gottan (bottom of the page):


    And this guy can make you a pineapple baritone (but it won't be cheap; however, you're willing to go to a luthier, so...):


    You could also look at the Martin Backpacker, and remove three strings, or one of the new Traveler acoustic models...


    And there's always the balalaika, which comes in a variety of scales...

    Y'know, you may just be making this too hard for yourself. Why not just buy yourself your own Loog? That way, you're playing the same instrument as your kids. Or is it not "adult" enough for you?
    • The Gottan looks great! Will do a bit more research. I wonder about its sound, with no "hole". The ones on google images do not have frets either. Thanks for pointing this out!
    • Ps a martin backpacker with 3 strings is basically a strumstic with a diatonic scale, right?
      • No, a Martin Backpacker typically has chromatic frets, even if you only use 3 strings on it. Because I started playing 6-stringers with chromatic frets, I see little value, to me personally, in diatonic fretting. You can learn how to play diatonic scales on a chromatic fretted neck, but you can't go the other way. But I know dulcimer and other players like em.
      • http://www.strumstick.com/V2/HTML/Backpacker.html#bphistory

        Same guy designed both...

  • The Sanxian.

  • The Shamisen.

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