Hi everyone, hope I'm in the right section!

Can anyone in the UK recommend event insurance services? I'm looking to book a few shows and festivals this year, and most of the events insist on public liability insurance. I don't need it for my workshop as no customers visit it. I'm struggling getting my head round what's best and affordable etc.

Any thoughts? 

Cheers chaps! 


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  • Hi Rob,

    You might get more responses if you post this in the Brits are coming group (add it as a discussion topic as the comments often disappear onto page 2 quickly and get missed). 

    Two names spring to mind -

    Roosterman http://www.cigarboxnation.com/profile/RandyRoosterGuitars helped to arrange Boxstock so it might be worth emailing him or putting a comment on his wall asking for information. 

    And Chickenbone John http://www.cigarboxnation.com/profile/ChickenboneJohn He has huge experience in running events but is playing with Hollowbelly in Europe soon so might be too busy/already in Europe to give a quick reply.




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