I got a mic from a dollar store. It looks like a dynamic mic with an on/off switch. I want to take out the insides and put it inside a cbg guitar. Any ideas how this could be used if at all? Also, a seperate idea I'd like to build a tiny amp/speaker in a guitar..all instructional videos or info seem complicated...any advice here appreciated

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  • 306237536?profile=originalFind one of these or any of the numerous Chinese made clones.

    Go to a garage sale/thrift store/trash bin whatever for your search.

    Do NOT pay anywhere near retail for one of these POS. (Never buy one of these for a child! The worst CBG build is better.)

    Strip the tuners and bridge off for use on your next CBG project.

    Carefully remove the electronics and reassemble inside your CBG project.

    Use the donor "guitar" as a clock, firewood, puppy chew toy, etc...you get the idea, as anything other than a guitar.

    Do not be alarmed at the sound quality of the finished project. It will give you valuable practice on spinning defects as desired features thus insuring a bright career in politics if you should be of that particular bent.

    Works a treat for discouraging undesirable guests from visiting too.

    • Hard to tell from the pic ...speaker built in. Great post :?
      • Yep that thing between the pickup and neck is the speaker.

        The amp board is in the cavity under the volume control. Some even have a headphone jack that bypasses the 1/4" output.

        9v battery box is on the back.

        Google "kid's electric guitar" for more brands and pictures.

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