DIY Tennis Racket Guitar

Spring is coming!  Let's get into the spirit with another incredible instrument by the folks over at Scrap Wood City.  This three string tennis racket guitar uses simple pine wood, guitar tuners and a Strat pickup that is held in place with plastic zip ties.

The video features the entire project, step by step without any words.  It's easy to follow along and should provide excellent inspiration for those of us who build without exact plans.  Be sure to scroll down for a link to detailed notes and even more pics.

One thing to note:  Scrap Wood City gives some great examples of fretting, using the simplest of materials.  Note how he uses a black Sharpie marker to color the tops of the frets and then sands them to an even plane.  The marker shows where any low spots are located.

See more photos and get all the full building notes here.

You can also support Scrap Wood City through their Patreon donation page:

Build a 2-String Washing Machine Contra Bass - by Scrap Wood City

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  • Excellent, nuff said 

    Thanks for the video!

  • still waiting on someone to make a hatchet ukulele lol, but this def.does look fun, i seen someone made a irioning board guitar on youtube so nothing really surprises me lol

    • Yes the ironing board makes a perfect steel slide guitar with a built in stand. Got one waiting in the build list. LOL

      Hatchet Uke? That's a funny thought.

  • I saw a video earlier today about making a tennis racket guitar and the builder used a plastic construction hard hat shell as a back for the guitar to project acoustic sound.

    This is a music video he does with other homemade instruments and a looper pedal.

  • Pretty spiffy!

    There's some great simple but functional solutions there. Good thinkin' goin; on.
  • But.....can you still play tennis with it? ;-)

    • No, just attach a handle to a cigar box and play tennis with that.  Complete role reversal.

      • Now my head hurts...

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