custom Builds

hello Everyone My name is Russ Coger I am very new to the CBG world.I have fell in love with both building and playing them I am on Build #6 a custom "Customer" spec Build to his specifications and request. It will be A One of a Kind Custom build as I have seen many people do I have been naming signing and dating all my builds. Is it appropriate to do this on a customer Build? I can Understand NOT doing it on the Box outside,But I wish people to Know who built it.maybe inside the box or something just curious how yall roll on that?

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  • I made a label that has a blank space for the date. I usually attach it the inside of a box, but I sometimes put it on the back of the box. I'm  proud of my builds and want people to know who and when it was built.

  • I always Sign and date my CBGs.

    .... inside, near the neck where it can be seen only when the Guitar taken apart.

    • Thanks, that was kind of my thinking, somewhere hidden as to NOT  deface the actual Build!

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