So much of what I do in my "normal" life is cut and dried, so that when I get out to the garage/shop to work of cbg builds it's not so much of an escape as an adventure.  Everything I do conjures up new visions and possibilities for future guitars.  And it sticks with me.  I wake up thinking about these things.  I'm currently finishing up two projects but have ideas for at least a hundred more.  My wife will come out and ask what I'm doing just sitting there staring.  I tell her I'm thinking about the next big thing.  I'm pretty sure I'm not alone in this.  So here's the question:  is this a blessing or a curse?

I'd like to hear your thoughts on this.



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  • thanks shane,  i'm really fine on perotoneal dialysis.  if i could get a transplant 2 reasons i'd say no

    1---if someone else is younger and has their family and whole life ahead---i couldn't take that from them

    2.  same reason for a live donor PLUS down the road if their only remaining kidney fails---they've got dialysis to endue mayybe one of the cigar box brothers/sisters will perfect a cigar box kidney---that's what the odd shaped boxes are for.  thanks again brother---finding this site gives me a reason to get up every day


    god bless


    mark quigly.


    who knows,  mab

    Shane Speal said:

    Mark, take one of my kidneys. If I could, it would be yours
  • Mark, take one of my kidneys. If I could, it would be yours
  • to me it's a blessing all day every day it takes my mind off my 24/7 kidney dialysis by giving me something to do.  i just need to get off my butt and learn to play--not just build.  getting ready to post pics of my first lap steel attempt.
  • Blessed curse.


    I find when I am thinking and doing something creative I feel younger and happier. Something like that....

  • It is very easy to find the repititious aspects of our life to be mundane, and something different to be interesting and fresh.

    In reality, "every moment" is an opportunity to experience life to it's fullest. To atrophy, maintain or to grow. If you are bored, don't feed into it. If you are excited, don't get lost in it.

    Sometimes we simply "have to do" things, we would rather "not do"...but if you have the time and resources to be able to do something entirely for your own pleasure, this is truly a gift to yourself.

    Life is constanly changing and is all about keeping things in balance. Time keeps moving on. Knowing when to do something and when to restrain yourself is how you keep the ball rolling freely.

    Enjoy your new found pleasure for now, for it too will pass, Keni Lee


  • Shane,


    Didn't think you were bein' a downer, I thought you were keepin' it real. Remember, it's "3 Chords (or Strings), and the Truth!"


    Feelin' blue? Write a song about it. Share it. People can relate.

  • didn't mean to be a downer.  deleted my comment
  • Doug,


    You're not alone. Even though my day job involves a lot of 3- and 4-dimensional creativity, this spills over into my builds. I, too, wake up at 3AM with a brilliant new-to-me idea for how to do something, whether it be a new tailpiece, a better or different way of constructing necks, or how to scrounge that special part from someone's trash can.


    My wife tolerates this, because my day job provides her with the capability to indulge her creative side (she quilts, and with me, does amateur theater and choral work). Mostly though, she just shakes her head, and occasionally asks why I need so many guitars and little amps.


    I believe that God / the Universe (take your choice) makes some of us dreamers, and others of us accountants (I have two brothers who are accountants, and they claim I got all the artistic genes in the family). He / It fits us for what we're good at. If we believe with all our hearts and work hard at the same time at what we're good at or love, ask Him / It for what we need, He / It aligns things so that they work out, quite often better than we ever hoped or imagined.




    Sending you a little prayer that your dreams will come to such fruition that you have to hire an accountant! You're already famous, bud! We just gotta make sure everyone else knows it. Put me down for several T-shirts, as soon as you restock the Store; I already bought a copy of the book. If you need / want me to buy a 3- or 4-stringer, I'd love to have one made by you.


    Don't give up; your Good Thang is coming soon. Believe it, and work hard at it (I know you do).



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