Cigar boxes in London, Ontario?

Hey folks. Any other Ontarians out here? I'm having a really hard time finding any cigar boxes in London, Ontario. I was recently in Kingston and saw a huge pile of empties in a smoke shop so I assumed that I could find them just as easily when I got home.. no dice! I can't find a cigar-selling smoke-shop for the life of me! Any tips on where to look are greatly appreciated. Abe

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  • Hi Abe, I’m from Aylmer Ont, I have been using vintage boxes and is seems that there are a few of us in the London, St Thomas, I’m Aylmer and another guy from Woodstock all into cbg so we have some competition for them, I like to look in antique shops for mine.
  • So I ended up finding a couple craft store ones (thanks, Ted). But I left my name and number at Loblaws (a big chain grocery store in these parts) for the next time they have some empties. They seem to be the only place that still has any around here! Also picked up my piezo tonight.. yippee!
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