Some of the other fun things I've built to go with the cigar box guitars... I tend to use cheap-as-possible parts, but good to excellent drivers are easy to find in thrift stores, rummage sales, etc. Most of the speakers in quality boom boxes and small home theater speakers are better quality than those in little practice amps anyways... 

This cabinet ($2 cigar box) has one 50 watt speaker from an Audiovox boombox or home stereo system ($3 from a thrift store), one Epiphone speaker from a junk practice amp (free). Add a jack for free to $6. Flip-top stock on the box, so I put a keyhole bolt on it to flip it up easier. Such awesome janky blues sounds to be had, and doesn't melt your face off like 12" or 15" guitar / bass speakers. My favorite cab to play my CBG through.

This is a Illusione Gigante box with the other Audiovox speaker ($2 + $3 + a jack). Back panel lifts up or out, sounds killer after I put some acoustic foam in the back.

This is a mini-speaker / tweeter unit converted to a tin can microphone. Has more gain than my old 50's mono reel to reel mics! The jack was the only thing I had to buy.

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  • So you just plug the speaker right into the jack?

     I thought you'd need some kind of amp, or is that just for volume control? Power cord?

     I want to do one soon.

    • The two speaker box is just a speaker cabinet. No amp inside. I can run any of my amps through it. It'll handle @ 50 watts, so I can plug a serious tube amp into it. Or my lil' battery powered ones. It sounds like it's going to explode with my 50 watt Laney tube head running into it with a bunch of fuzz.

      The Illusione box has a 15 watt, 10xAA battery amp in it now.

      Zepplin; sweet microphone setup!!!

    • You will definitely need an amp, Gitty or $10ebay lm386 boards work great on a 9v battery...
  • This is AWESOME! I LOVE it, esp the mic. Here's ours:


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