Hi, I am think about making some cigar box guitar T shirts styled like cool vintage Motorcycle/Cigar box guitar Tshirts...kinda like below, but not exactly (they might or might not say red dog, but will say cigar box guitar)
Is there any interest???
what sizes would people want??
what would you prefer, white, black or Grey
this is just a example below, of coarse the art would be "cigar Box guitar" but I would for sure make it like Vintage Indian motorcycles and cigar box guitars combined for real awesome shirts so that when you walk in a room, everyone will ask you about it or want to look at it and talk to you, I really high quality, nice shirt.
..anyways let me know your thoughts and if you have had any bad experiences buying t shirts online, let me know that too!
that way if i do decide to make some shirts I can make the best that I can for you and avoid any pitfalls and mistakes,
I would want you get a great shirt,that you loved. Thanks for your time.