I'll be working at Speal's Tavern this Saturday, Dec. 10 to hang more cigar box guitars and spruce up the museum display. If you have a cigar box guitar you want to donate and add to the museum, get a hold of me ASAP or simply send the instrument and a two-paragraph description of it. (Description could be materials used, why you made it a certain way, if it's a prototype that just didn't work...etc)
You can send the instrument direct to Speal's Tavern at
Speal's Tavern
1850 Lion's Club Rd
New Alexandria, PA 15670
All instruments received after Saturday will be placed in storage until I can update the display again (probably in a month or two).
Looking for all types of cigar box guitars and related homemade instruments. I'll also be updating the www.spealstavern.com website to show the new submissions.