
  • 306170002?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024Ive had this one for years, do I get a free Gibson ?? :D

  • tell  you   what   pihtbull  ,  if you  get  a "swamp witch  guitars"   tattoo  ,,  i'll    build you  one free  .   with  shiping  included  too.  ;-)


    • customized with a pit bull on it ? if so you got a deal Pick .

      • build you  a customized  swamp witch  with   a   pitbull  on  it ? .

          yup . 

  • images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQzWHTyA_SrfkH_bMNSOiMG2i6zkY5rMDpoBecJtmtpgK0UmjPL

  • i  got  my logo  tatted  on my  wrist 


  • Col of StumbleCol has several.  Take a look at his photos on his page.

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