
  • Broom handles are a great nod to the past,not to mention economical.

  • Thanks John. That does sound cool using cigar bands. I've got one in particular that I'm going to try that on. Thanks.
  • I have done it two ways.... on the edge visible to the player, I have marked the fret positions with a sharpie, and put dots for the major positions... the other thing I have done is use cigar bands to mark the major positions.... looks awesome!
  • I'd put small marks along the top edge

    • Thanks JL - Great Idea

  • I've built a total of six of them so far, all with 1, 2 or 3 strings, none of them have frets or dot markers, 1 kept, 2 I sold and 3 I'm selling, haven't had any problems myself and the customers haven't complained.

    As long as you're good with a slide and know the scale length, frets ain't needed on a broom handle.

    • That would make things easier. I could always show them how to mark them with a piece of masking tape down the neck while they are learning. Thanks JP.
  • I've seen some builds where they use zip ties as frets for simplicity

    • Thanks Richard. I was thinking more of masking the neck and painting.
  • If its for sale I would mark the neck just my opinion the buyer may have no experience with scale so keep it easy and simple so there is a good foundation for them to build on .
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