I'm going to program an online CBG tuner.  What features would you like/recommend?

Could do with a definitive list on standard tunings.

I'll make this available for free on my blog and see if shane could put it on this page some place



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  • Hi Roger,

    Have you looked at the shareware AP tuner http://www.aptuner.com/cgi-bin/aptuner/apmain.html
    It has the option of adding new tunings as required ("Note" and then "Edit note presets" on the top tab) Also because it has a tuning bar to get close to the note you want and then an accurate needle to fine tune you always know where you are and never overtune and bust a string.

  • Just a tone generator, yes like that with fewer strings. I have a guitar tuner on my blog (http://www.dirtyguitarguide.com) already and it will be similar but more options.

    Ben said:
    Just curious...this program will not receive the player's input and indicate sharp or flat, right? This will be a tone generator? Are you looking to do something like this but with fewer strings? http://www.get-tuned.com/guitar_tuner.php

    Dirty Roger said:

    Turkish said:
    Are you generating a tone, or sampling a plucked string?

    I would aim to do both plucked string and tone. With a repeat function for each string! As for standard tunings i would create patterns for about 10 standard patterns and people can you variations of each to tune to their liking.

    Any further ideas??
  • Just curious...this program will not receive the player's input and indicate sharp or flat, right? This will be a tone generator? Are you looking to do something like this but with fewer strings? http://www.get-tuned.com/guitar_tuner.php

    Dirty Roger said:

    Turkish said:
    Are you generating a tone, or sampling a plucked string?

    I would aim to do both plucked string and tone. With a repeat function for each string! As for standard tunings i would create patterns for about 10 standard patterns and people can you variations of each to tune to their liking.

    Any further ideas??

  • Turkish said:
    Are you generating a tone, or sampling a plucked string?

    I would aim to do both plucked string and tone. With a repeat function for each string! As for standard tunings i would create patterns for about 10 standard patterns and people can you variations of each to tune to their liking.

    Any further ideas??
  • Looooooong list of standard tunings, 3 and 4 string, and adjustable so the oddballs can customize for their own tunings.

    And maybe even a single string diddly tuner.

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