I've caught the CBG bug. I just finished my first build and had a great time and learned so much new information. I've done some freelance writing in the past and have been thinking about putting a project together and publishing something myself. I would like to put together a CBG magazine. I would like to get a sample digital issue together and put together a Kickstarter proposal to try to get funding for a print edition. Is there anyone out there that would like to contribute? It can be an article, how to column, photos, art , really anything you can think of. If you have any ideas please let me know. I'm also thinking it would be cool to offer a digital mix tape of mp3's with the issue. Any feedback would be appreciated. Message me here of cbgmagazine@gmail.com. Thanks.

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  • I think it's a great idea and  I could make a modest contribution.. I am new to this...but I like it.


    • Thanks Kirby. I'm interested in any content contribution you'd like to make.

    • Can you do everything here that you can do in a Newspaper yes and more. But how would you like your guitars advertised in a magazine that's in at least one music store in every state, not impossible.

      If you make good instrument easily available to the mainstream some good players will buy them and play them and get hooked and write songs on them never quit dreaming about how good a music you can make share and help be made. If this really is a revolution at some point we become part of the mainstream. I can see Humidor, Swampwitch and Reddog guitars hanging next to Fender, Gibson and Martins in music stores.

    • I see Humidor, SwampWitch, Withers, Davenport and Sam hanging next to Fender, Taylor, Ovation, Contreras and Yamaha right now in my man cave. ;-)
    • actually  there  ARE  "swamp witch   familiar  6 strings models"   hanging  in   my    local    music  store    right  beside  gibsons  . and  that  store  now  has  exclusive rights to  them  .  :-D

    • hope you make a go of it, feel free to use any of my pic's on here, not that they're that good,

       good luck,

    • Thanks! I definitely want to have a photo gallery of everyone's cbg builds. I'll be in touch.

  • Seems like a good idea,your welcome to use any of my pics if you like, either from here or my Facebook link I posted below. Good luck!! :>)

    • Thanks! I'll be in touch.

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