CBG Gifting

I built a CBG for my wife's nephew which he received on Christmas.  I was actually surprised how well it was accepted by him and the rest of the family.  It gave me inspiration to build more.  I think that selling my CBG's would take away some of the passion I have for building them.  I mean, when it becomes a business, something is lost in the transaction.  For me anyway.

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  • I love building CBUs! It's really theraputic for me because I can get lost in the build and the fine details. I, however, do not want to have a room full of ukes, or to take on the cost of materials ( I tend to use the best quality parts I can get... at the best price). I love the reactions my ukes get from people because it makes them smile! I like building CBUs because of the scale seems proportionate compared to a guitar (which is most people frame of reference when it comes to scale of these things) But again, I do sell them to be able to make more.

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