www.cbrcomp.bandcamp.com $6 bucks to download some of the BEST CBG & Blues you have ever heard! Please support the cause. These artists have donated there songs to help bring you one of the best comp of the year. Just in time for Chirstmas! There will also be a very small number of CD's you can pre order them at www.cigarboxradio.com We made it only $6 !  THANK YOU GUY FOR YOUR SUPPORT Rev.Nix

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  • Thanks to everybody who has picked up the comp. Sales are going slow but steady. If we can get this sucker to boom we will have the best radio station for CBG and Roots music EVER. Just remember ever donationbhelps the music and craft we all LOVE!
  • Thanks for downloading! All donations go to the promotion of this great music. Tell your friends tell your family tell everybody! $6 bucks! Thats it. Download your copy today!
  • I would like to say thanks to all that put the download together, lots of my friends that I have and some I havent got to meet yet, cheap money for a great download.thanks everyone
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