
  • SHEEEESH !! It looks horny too !!!  Yikes

    • 305904428?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

    • i think its a teiscosauras rex . :-o

  • ok,,  thanx ,, i called" giter critter "  and they said they couldent help .   i tried to trap him , and someone suggested  using "master bait "

     but master baiting  doesn't seem to help either .  ;-/

    Clockwork(J.Leong) said:

       Try "Herr Doktor von Rosenstein's Strat-Be-Gone Miracle Elixer And Hamster Purgative," guaranteed as an aid in Stratosaurus infestations, and in the elimination of noxious gases from the bowels of domestic rodenti...

  •    Try "Herr Doktor von Rosenstein's Strat-Be-Gone Miracle Elixer And Hamster Purgative," guaranteed as an aid in Stratosaurus infestations, and in the elimination of noxious gases from the bowels of domestic rodenti...

  • Ow.
  • i tried  to tie it down with "chords "  , but  his  "scales" are too  "sharp "  ;-)

    Oily "Strat-O'-Nine-Tales" Fool said:

    Man, that's a really bad infestation ya got there, pick!

    Definitely calls for a BCR Burst Buster 2000. Yep.
  • Man, that's a really bad infestation ya got there, pick!

    Definitely calls for a BCR Burst Buster 2000. Yep.
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