I am trying to finish up a rebuild on this CBG I bought that had too many issues and was wondering if anyone has a schematic or dimensions for a basic bridge I could build that would work on this Brick House Box I am using?  I purchased a pair of the C.B. Gitty laser cut bridges (flying K style 4 Padauk but they are too long for this box.  I need something shorter than a  4" bridge. I think a 2.25" bridge would work fine since it is only for a 3 string unit anyway. Not really sure if the flying K style 4  is needed or if a plain K style 3 would work just as fine. My only problem would be how to cut the angle at the top so the strings sit on a sharp peak. Fishing for some ideas, Appreciate any suggestions. Thanks,

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  • Not really  " simple .........  but  where else can i brag  ;-)



    • Hey pick, I like all the woodwork and l don't mind you bragging, but why did you not use wooden screws and spring. Ha ha. 


    • I have to agree that is some very nice woodwork.

    • lol,  i soooo looked for a wooden  spring  all over the planet .. even  "badly" made one by cutting the wood  threads  off a  toilet plunger handle with an exacto knife  .. and of coarse, it broke  :-(

      But hey .. the package  the screws came in , clearly said "wood screws " .


  • The hinge bridge that Webster Miller made is a great idea and the wood/fret bridges are awesome.

    I mostly use a bolt because of the built in string guides and I will glue 2 little strips of wood(one on either side) to keep it in place once I get the position sorted. Bigger bolts for higher string height. I even made a rollor bridge by placing the right size bolt in some nuts and glued the nuts to the top of the box allowing the bolt to move in the nuts with the strings while using a tremolo.

    It never ceases to amaze me what people on this site make when they put their minds to it.

    • Snip off the ball ends from your 3 extra strings , and  slip them on a  finishing nail .  to make a sweet roller bridge  ;-)

    • Or snip them off of old used strings before throwing them away.

    • "throwing them away"  ?????? 

      That's a waste of fine jewelry-


    • Those look nice - I won't judge. LOL

    • Actually i sold   these and a few others  to members here ,  even Jamie McBlues  got  an re-anniversary/ engagement set  for him and his wife before he passed away . 

      They weren't for me ... honnest .. lol,  ...

      .WELL... actually,  i did keep the turner  gear one for myself .lol.

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